Solarwaves Window Tinting in Cocoa
(321) 243-3666

Everything You Need to Know About Florida Tint Laws

Solarwaves Blogger • August 31, 2021

Before tinting your car windows, it's important to understand the laws. This guide explains everything you need to know about Florida tint laws.

Florida tint laws

Are you considering getting your car windows tinted to improve the efficiency of your vehicle? Have you always wanted to install a dark window tint on your car? If so, then you first need to learn the Florida tint laws before you do so. 

Some window tint installation services of lesser quality are unaware of the tint laws (or they just choose to ignore them). Believe it or not, having an illegal window tint can result in a police officer giving you a ticket.

See below for an in-depth article on window tint laws in Florida, what you need to know, and what the benefits of window film are in the first place!

What Are the Florida Tint Laws for Cars?

Perhaps this will be your first time getting a window tint installed on your vehicle. Maybe you're tired of getting pulled over because of the current tint on your car.

Whatever the case might be, it's helpful to know the Florida tint laws beforehand. This can help you gauge how dark a tint you can have.

What might surprise you is that the degree of tint you can have depends on the type of car that you drive. For example, it differs a bit between SUVs and sedans. 

The reflection requirements are the same across the board to help protect you and your family from harmful UV rays. Florida law requires that your window tint can only have 25-percent reflectiveness on your front and no higher than 35-percent reflectiveness in the back windows.

The light transmission differs a bit, however. For sedans, the window tint on the front windows needs to have a VLT (Visible Light Transmission) of 28-percent or more. The back windows and rear window on your sedan need a visible light transmission of 15-percent or more.

For SUVs, you'll need to have a visible light transmission of 28-percent or more on the front, just like a sedan. However, your back windows (including the rear window) need to have a visible light transmission of 6-percent or higher.

How to Find the Proper Auto Window Tint Installer

Here's the thing: it's beneficial for you to know the laws of legal tint in Florida, however, you shouldn't be tasked with making sure your window tint meets those requirements. That's why it's important to find a trusted window tint installation service.

But what should you look for to find the right service? First, start by looking into the window film products they offer. Do they have brands you can trust? We're partial to LLumar window film, as it's the most trusted brand on the market.

Second, how well informed are they? When you call to talk to them about your interest in window tinting, do they do a good job of explaining it? Do they know the window tint laws? Are they giving you direct and informative answers to your questions or beating around the bush?

Third, look for timely service. The best installation services can give you the results that you're looking for in record time. 

The Benefits of Auto Window Tint

Now that you know the window tint laws in Florida and how to find the right installation service, all that's left is to learn about why you need window tint. See below for the benefits of installing tinted window film on your car.

UV Ray Protection

Simply put: you can't afford not to have tinted windows in the state of Florida; it's called the "Sunshine State" for a reason, people!

Without window film, those UV rays will cause massive damage to your car. They'll cause the temperature in your cabin to climb, leading to the scalding hot seat that we've all experienced. They will also cause your interior to become discolored and appear older than it actually is.

LLumar window film can block 99-percent of all ultraviolet rays from getting inside your car. That way, your car keeps its young looks for years to come.

Stronger Windows

This is another reason why it's important to install LLumar window film on your car's windows. It's the strongest type of film on the market.

Window film is applied adhesively to your car, which will help give it an extra layer of protection from blunt force incidents, such as flying debris or an attempted break-in. 

Since the window film sticks to the window, it will keep the window in place. The glass might crack from the force, but it won't shatter. That way, the inside of your car is protected from water damage during a storm.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Everyone has their reasons for getting window tint on their car. However, they all have at least one reason in common: enhanced aesthetics for their car.

Window film comes in so many types, tints, and reflections, so you can easily customize your look to find the perfect appearance for your car.

Whether you're trying to blackout your windows to match your murdered-out SUV or installing decorative films to reduce the tint, we can help you find the perfect fit. As long as you use a trusted window film and window tint installation service, these results will last for many years.

Embrace Florida Tint Laws for Your Window Tint Job

Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on everything there is to know about Florida tint laws, be sure to use this information to your advantage.

Be sure to read this article for more information on how long it takes to tint the windows of an average car.

For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out to Solarwaves Window Tinting by phone at 312-243-3666 and we can help you get a free estimate for your purchase.

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